Care Guide
  • Adansonii Care

    The wistful leaves of the Philodendron Adansonii make the perfect hanging plant for any space. These charming beauties grow quite large in diameter [about 2 feet] which fills up any corner with a soft texture and deep green flora. Here are some tips and tricks to best care for you Adansonii. 
  • Philodendron Hope Care

    With large lobed leaves, the Philodendron Hope adds a tropical flair to any space. This no-nonsense, easy-care plant is an indestructible houseplant that filters indoor toxins from the air. ‘Hope’ is a “self-heading” (non-vining) variety of philodendron with an upright growth habit. 

    Here are some tips and tricks to best care for your Philodendron Hope indoors. 

  • Pilea Peperomioides Care

    The Pilea Peperomioides also called the pancake or UFO plant is known for its cute coin-shaped leaves. A self-propagator, the Pilea produces “pups”, which pop up from the soil surrounding the mother plant.

    While these plants are super easy to care for, here are some tips and tricks to best care for your Peperomioides! 

  • Ponytail Palm Care

    The typical ponytail palm consists of a large, domed “stump,” which tapers off into a thinner stem. From the top of the stem, one or more rosettes of long, green, leathery leaves develop as the plant ages. Indoors, the leaves can get up to 3 feet long, but outdoors, they may be double that length.

    Here are some of our tips and tricks to keeping your Ponytail Palm happy and healthy! 

  • Sansevieria Care

    Sansevieria are some of our favorite plants to bring into your home. They come in all different shapes and sizes and easily adapt to their environment, making them some of the easiest plants to care for indoors. 

    Below are some of our favorite tips and tricks to keeping these plants up in your home.