Philodendron Hope Care

With large lobed leaves, the Philodendron Hope adds a tropical flair to any space. This no-nonsense, easy-care plant is an indestructible houseplant that filters indoor toxins from the air. ‘Hope’ is a “self-heading” (non-vining) variety of philodendron with an upright growth habit. 

Here are some tips and tricks to best care for your Philodendron Hope indoors. 


Light: Your Philodendron Hope Selloum prefers bright, indirect light—placing it near an east or south-facing window is ideal. It will, however, survive in lower light and the leaves will turn a darker green. Direct sun or too much light will burn or fade the leaves.

Water: Water your plant when its soil becomes dry to a depth of 1-2 inches. Water the plant until water flows into the saucer, then pour out any excess. Don’t allow the pot to stand in water, as this will cause root rot. During the winter, water less often, keeping the soil barely moist.

Humidity: The Philodendron Hope Selloum has thinner leaves than many of its relatives and requires more humidity to flourish. Mist your plant regularly especially during the drier winter months.

Fertilization: Fertilize monthly during the spring and summer with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half the recommended strength. If light levels are high, increase to bi-weekly feeding. Too much plant food can cause excess salt to build up in the soil which can result in leaf burn.

Pet Toxicity: Philodendron leaves are toxic to pets and humans. Typically, ingestion will result in swelling of the lips and tongue, and stomach irritation with possible vomiting.